Perfectly formatted books for various publishing platforms
Every smart gadget is compatible with our eBooks.
Our clients have seen significant increases in sales and profits.
The client's requests for unlimited modifications were followed.
Amazingly made eBook covers with stock photos and your name are available for free.
Every book is delivered on-time to ensure punctual deliveries.
Reach new audiences with distribution to over 40,000 retailers, schools, and libraries
There might be a variety of factors preventing you from realizing your ambition with us
The client submits the draft along with a set of instructions about editing, proofing and publishing.
We edit the book in tandem with the writing progress. Once written, edited and proofread, we carry out a critical review, proofreading, and corrections.
We format the book extensively, adding fonts images, illustrations, and graphical details according to the context.
The book is professionally designed, with front and back covers, blurbs, author’s bio, table of contents and disclaimer.
We get ISBN codes for clients who go for print versions. The approved and designed book is aligned for publishing in client’s required formats.
All writing, editing, and publishing services are available through your one-stop-shop.
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